One of the tools we use at Trusted Home Surveys is a moisture meter. These come in a variety of forms, and we have several different types which can be used for different purposes and different materials. The most basic kind of moisture meter is like that shown in the image above. These measure conductance across two metal probes to give an estimation of moisture content in timber. You will commonly see these meters misused on other building materials such as walls.

The use of moisture meters is widespread across the surveying and construction industry as a way of determining damp. This is a very disputed area in surveying and in our view while these meters have some use in this regard they cannot be viewed as definitive proof of damp in a property. This is because they are not actually measuring damp but are measuring conductance of a surface and there are many things which can affect this. This means that often they give misleading results.
Moisture meters can only be considered as one indicator of damp problems. It is the skills of our Chartered Surveyors here at Trusted Home Surveys which makes the difference in diagnosing damp and very often we can find simple explanations and cures for damp issues. In some cases, this can save thousands of pounds in unnecessary repair work.
If you are concerned about damp in a property you are purchasing, or already own, get in touch with us now!