One of the most common things we see during our surveys is damp, often at low level in walls. There was a time when this struck fear into the heart of our customers but thankfully, we are now seeing a much more pragmatic and balanced view of the issue, especially where historic property is concerned.

Diagnosing and dealing with damp is big business in the housing market and there are wildly varying professional and amateur views of the topic. This range of opinions has historically resulted in hugely contrasting and in some cases incorrect or unsuitable ‘repairs’ being sold or installed by inadequately trained individuals or those with a vested interest in selling them. In our experience damp and moisture problems are rarely the major concern which property owners and purchasers fear and very often they have straightforward causes. Sadly, we commonly see ‘repairs’ which are disproportionate to the problem, or which fail to address the root cause of damp problems. For this reason, we believe it is essential to take the correct professional advice. You should bear in mind that this rarely comes free, and if it does you should ask yourself, why it this advice free? Does the person giving it have a vested interest in selling you a repair?

A joint position statement has recently been issued by the RICS, Historic England and the PCA which outlines various issues relating to the investigation of moisture problems in ‘traditional’ buildings. This is a huge and positive step in the industry and provides an excellent first step in ensuring surveyors and those working and advising on damp in traditional buildings do so in a more consistent and appropriate way. When selecting a surveyor or company to inspect your damp problem you should ensure that they are properly qualified, such as being a member of the RICS, and that they are aware of the joint position statement. This is where Trusted Home Surveys can help. We may not be free, but we can be trusted to give you the advice you need!
Contact Trusted Home Surveys today for more information on how we can help with damp or any other problem you may have at your property or one you are thinking of buying!